The Historical Society has been dissolved.

A letter from the board of directors can be found on our Resources: Past Program page.

This website will no longer be monitored or managed after May 31, 2025.

Named after early settlers Daniel Boone and Gottfried Duden, we are a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving area history for future generations. We collect, preserve and exhibit historic records, artifacts and artwork of the people of southwestern St. Charles and southern Warren County. BDHS maintains cemeteries, erect informational signs, and hold events and seminars.

Officers and Advisory Board Members

Scott Repke, Cathie Schoppenhorst, Penny Pitman, Ruth Busdieker, Bob Brail, Paul Richard, Don Kops, and Marcia Behr

We have volunteer opportunities available. Join us and become part of history!

Email us at

Member telling story dressed as deceased person would dress when they were alive.

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Write to us: P.O. Box 82 New Melle, Missouri 63365


Boone-Duden Historical Society

Local People Preserving Local History

For many years the Society was fortunate to occupy a restored house, built of native brick in 1871 by John Friedrich Kamphoefner and his wife, Wilhelmina.  The bricks were fired at the Stahlhuth Kiln in the park across from St. Paul's Lutheran Church.  It is one of the oldest houses in New Melle.  John Frederich and Wilhelmina became the parents of 12 children, born in this house. 

John was a blacksmith and constructed a shop for wagon making and blacksmithing on the north side of the house.  All three of their sons became blacksmiths and Herman, the middle one carried on the business until 1941.  In October 1912, John Frederich died at the age of 65.  Wilhelmina continued to live in the house until her death in 1946 at the age of 94.  The house was sold several times and finally was purchased by Fred Weber, Inc. and occupied by the Historical Society for many years.