A timeline of the Boone-Duden Region’s History
Charette Village settled by french. First white settlement. (near present Marthasville)
St. Charles settled by the French.
Daniel Morgan settles near present site of Matson.
David Boone and party migrate from Kentucky to Femme Osage Valley. Daniel builds cabin near son Morgan.
David Darst settles in Missouri River Bottom. (Darst Bottom below Defiance.)
Lewis & Clark begin expedition May 14th. Believed to have visited Daniel Boone in area before continuing journey.
Boonslick Trail blazed by Boone & Morrison brothers, and haul salt from Howard Co.
The Callaways move into Warren County.
War of 1812 begins. More forts built. First Missouri counties organized. (St. Charles, St. Louis, and St. Genevieve)
Abraham Keithly, first white man killed by indians in local area.
Captain James Callaway, who organized St. Charles County Rangers in 1813, killed by Indians at Loutre Creek March 7th.
Nathan Boone Home completed in Femme Osage Valley.
Marthasville founded. 1st Warren county town.
Historic Dardenne Presbytarian Church founded.
Daniel Boone dies in son Nathan's home. Buried next to Rebecca in Warren county. U.S. Government Public Lands Act signed.
Missouri becomes 24th State August 10th.
"Washington Landing" ferry begins.
Gottfried Duden comes from Germany and settles on Lake Creek near present Dutzow. Returns to Germany in 1826. His letters urge Germans to come to "Missouri Rhineland".
Washington, MO. founded by Owens.
German immigration begins in earnest.
Dutzow founded by Baron von Brock.
First E. & R. Church west of Mississippi formed in Femme Osage.
Paul Follenius leads Giessen Soc. to Missouri.
Abraham Matson purchases original Boone claim near present Matson area.
Leonard Harold founds town of Mount Pleasant. Built first house there in 1830. Pauldingville founded along Boonslick Trail. David Darst son killed at "The Alamo".
St. Vincent's Parish in Dutzow established.
Missouri State University founded. Settlers come from Melle, Germany, and name their settlement "New Melle". Cottleville and Howell settled.
Schluersburg, Matson & Hamburg settled.
St. Paul's Lutheran Church in New Melle established, one of first Lutheran churches west of Mississippi (Now on National Register). Year of great flood in Missouri River Valley.
Cappeln founded by H.T. Gerdemann.
First postage stamps issued (5 cents & 10 cents)
Cholera epidemic. Plank roads chartered.
Marthasville Seminary established. (Now Eden S) (Steamboat traffic at peak.)
North Missouri railroad completed to St. Charles. Mount Pleasant becomes Augusta March 3rd & incorporated.
Goebel Photography established in St. Charles. His photos record early county history. Foristell names after Pierre Foristell. Pleasant Hill Methodist Church formed near present Defiance by early Virginia settlers.
Village of Hopewell Academy, Holstein & Peers in Warren County founded. George Muench begins Mount Pleasant Winery.
Price's Raid in Washington, MO. Weldon Spring founded by John Weldon.
Mechansville founded by F. Castilio.
St. Charles County Atlas published. Excellent record of early county settlers.
Missouri River flood shifts course.
Howell Institute established in Howell. Forerunner to Francis Howell School District.
Emmaus Home near Marthasville formed.
Defiance established as a town.
Missouri, Kansas, and Texas railroad completed through river towns. Merchant & Postmaster John H. Schiermeier builds grain elevator in Matson. First in area.
Vine Hill Telephone Exchange begins operation on Holt farm in Femme Osage Valley. Services all of southwest part of county.
Rural Free Delivery come to Callaway & Femme Osage Townships.
Theo Yahn of Hamburg invents bread slicing machine.
Banks in Augusta, Defiance, Hamburg, and New Melle close.
U.S. Government chose Weldon Spring and Hamburg area for huge TNT plant.